In its third date Wiliam Hernández (Pinar del Río) leads the first group with four points and a half of seven possible ones. In the second group Jorge Elías (Camagüey) is in the head with 5 points folloed by Luis Ernesto Quesada (Ciego de Ávila) with four and a half.

The GM Olennis Linares from Santiago de Cuba continues at the head of the third group with four points of six possible ones. In the other groups Pavel Reyes (Camagüey) with six points is in the head, and in the fifth Melisa Rodríguez with five points of seven possible ones is the one that continues in the head.

The National Master Eliécer García Vineyards, head of the Provincial Committee of this sport, told that of the last national events realized in Camagüey, this is one of those of major quality for the level of the players.

“The majority are young talents that have arising, but that has not affected our Elo collective, which is about 2 300 points and is superior to that of many previous tournaments. The games have been very strong and an enormous parity has been seen among all the athletes”, he said after extoling that this time the tournament has been marked by the presence of contenders from potencies like Villa Clara and Holguín.

The "Migoya" tries to be introduced among the principal competitions that shape the chess Cuban calendar and have international character again, as in the decade of the 80s.

Translated by BA in English Language, Manuel Barrera Téllez

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