SIERRA DE CUBITAS, CAMAGÜEY.- In this northern municipality of Camagüey, the practice of physical exercises shows how for many people it is an unquestionable truth that the heart does not “go out on vacations”.

That is the premise that gathers around forty participants each afternoon in the sports combined Eladio Ibáñez, in the Cubitas Community, also known as La Filial. They are not interested in the heat of the summer but in exercising, gain in health and cultivate a feeling as necessary as friendship.

“We are not settlers, but the progress is evident. This had never been seen here, not the massiveness nor the diversity of the attendants. They come for diverse reasons that vary from losing weight to just for fun. We welcome everybody with the same dedication for the most important thing is that everyone feels at home”, expressed Nereisi Cintra García, the teacher of the group.

“Sports are health and this we do is very important because it benefit us”, said as well Raquel González Silveira, one of the group members. “I suffer from chronic asthma and since I am exercising, I barely have to use my meds. We have been with our teacher for months, she is wonderful but demanding as well, and I do not think anyone will think of leaving this recreational and healthy option”.

To unite wills in favor of healthier lifestyles is more than enough reason for those who come to the “Eladio Ibáñez”. The fight against physical inactivity is surged in these summer months as another recreational option and an opportunity to keep the heart active… but always to the “beat” of the sports.

Translation by Elianna Díaz Mendieta, 3rd year English Language Student