Since the past summit, several were the voices that arose to claim the presence of Cuba in the event, among them the countries of the ALBA, the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and the newly created Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). The latter has achieved the continental integration (except for the United States and Canada) under the fundamental principle of the unit of our peoples.

In Costa Rica, head office of the IIIrd Summit of the CELAC, in January of this year, it remained clear that no political, economic, of negotiation or approach process among the nations of this part of the hemisphere might be developed under the concepts of independence, sovereignty, solidarity and respect for each of our nations.

Under these prescripts, the countries of the CELAC come to Panama to face the interfering position of the United States with regard to Venezuela. For nobody it is a secret that opposition groups, counterrevolutionary and mercenaries of the Central Intelligence Agency are in the meeting, that like fruit of the OEA, will try to steam up the advances of every social project.

Rafael Correa, chief of Ecuador, country that assumes the pro-tempore presidency of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, has pronounced that this regional organism brings to the VIIth Summit of the Americas common positions that are opposed radically to the shameless interference of the United States in the Venezuelan country.

There are no doubts that the reality of our peoples of Latin America is sustained in the unit, and that unity can be capable of facing the North American politics that, as always, it will look for allies.

Translated by BA in English Language, Manuel Barrera Téllez

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