HAVANA, CUBA.- Cuban deputies of the International Relations Commission analyzed the possible world scenarios until 2023, dominated by the increase in geopolitical struggles and the aggressiveness of the United States, and by the advance of nationalist and xenophobic sentiments in some regions.

In Havana´s Conventions Center, as a prelude to the tenth regular session of the VIII Legislature of the National Assembly of People's Power, parliamentarians exchanged with academics about the foreseeable political, economic and social situations for the coming five-year period.

Isabel Allende, rector of the Higher Institute of International Relations Raul Roa, said that the scenarios presented are a holistic view, from the Cuban academy, of global trends in the medium term, prepared annually by researchers from several centers of higher education in the country.

She pointed out that in the political and economic perspective of the coming years we must take into account the role of the United States and its current Administration that acts from positions of strength, without respecting international consensus and organizations such as the United Nations (UN).

The most recent example of US prominence was this week at the UN, where a resolution rejecting the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel did not obtain approval due to the US veto in the Security Council, she added.

She said that while a multilateral vision is advancing in the world and the UN already has 194 members, the role of the Security Council and the veto right of a small group of states, led by the US, complicate the discussion of any topic of international interest.

For the deputy for the municipality of Calixto García in Holguin, Lázaro Barredo, the national security strategy of the Donald Trump government, released on Monday, makes it clear that complicated times are coming at an international level.

We are marked by that strategy, in which they talk about strengthening the blockade against Cuba and deepening unilateral US sanctions against Venezuela and Russia, Barredo added.