CAMAGÜEY.- The scientific work of the University of Camagüey Ignacio Agramonte is materialized in the implementation of more than 80 projects associated to programs of businesses, national character or of international collaboration.

Contained in 14 research lines, they play an important role in the socioeconomic scope, mainly in this province, where people work in correspondence with the Guidelines approved by the 6th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba.

The research lines are divided in: Agroindustry, Biotechnology, Education, Defense, Environment, Economic Development, Housing and building, Patrimony Conservation, Tourism, Energy, Railroads and tracks, Physic Culture, Basic Sciences, and the so called TIC (Technologies of Informatics and Communications).

It is important to highlight that a considerable group of these researches count with the financial support or are held in collaboration with foreign institutions from Belgium, Panama, Brazil, Spain, the Balearic Islands and others.

A sample of this scientific work is that over the last three years the university has conquered 75 national prizes and eight international ones, with leadership in those awarded by the CITMA in the province, and although it is beneath the potential, there are also five student prizes, four of them in the national forum, and one international prize.

The University has six magazines for scientific publishing, two of them Retos de Dirección (Challenges of Directing) and Producción Animal (Animal Production) are indexed to the data baseSciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online). That´s why more than 300 articles are classified in the groups established by the Ministry of Higher Education (76 number one, 58 number two, 125 number three, and 46 number four). Relating to book with research topics there are 13 published in our country and another 15 published abroad.

Translated by Linet Acuña Quilez