I grew up -today I am almost seventy years old- and kicked off to see the world in a different way. I do not critize the one that practises the religious faith. I do not deny that I have friends, believers, whom I admire for their vocation and away from any fanaticism.

Between the Christianity and the communism there are points in common. I do not forget the expressed once by the Shepherdess Esther Quintero, that in the only aspect in which they do not agree is in the conception of the world, based the first one in the idealistic philosophy, while the second one supports a materialistic vision of the history.

I know marriages that take almost fifty years of married and do not share the same creed conception. She dignifies God and her couple respects it, as the same she admits the way of thinking of her husband, materialist of conviction.

There are not antagonistic movements of the thought in its essence.

In a climate like that one, distended and of warmth, we expect the visit in Cuba of Pope Francisco, a charismatic person, opened to the dialogue and with a language full of realism and understanding.

Cuba never closed the doors to the religious faith. There were conflicts between the Revolution and some churches for damages that fed the antisocialists, on one hand and antireligious, on the other.

Who does not remember the catholic priest who was a Chaplain in the Sierra Maestra? He, Guillermo Sardiñas joined the rebels up to going so far as to reach the Commander's grade and dress the olive-green uniform. He was loyal to his religious faith until the day of his death.

About him the Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro would say: "He was a soldier of the faith, a revolutionary combatant and a real Christian who defended the have-nots and to serve the Revolution had no need of resigning either to his religious principle nor to his priest's condition”.

Translated by BA in English Language, Manuel Barrera Téllez

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