Out of a demand of 11 271 teachers in the different types of centers 852 are still needed, fundamentally in the Secondary Basic, Preuniversity and Technical and Professional educations, showed during the central event for the beginning of the current calendar Mercedes Escuredo Olazábal, director of Education in the territory.

Among the most complicated municipalities are the provincial head, Nuevitas, Jimaguayú and Vertientes, where the deficit is covered with specialists of the production and the services, teachers in formation, specialists of the Inder and contracts for hours.

An important role for solving the problem the previous school year was played by the university students, who joined the classrooms as teachers in subjects linked to their specialties. Also 200 of them already gave their provision for this stage, number that must be increased.

Considering the heterogeneity of the teaching cloisters caused by this situation, the challenge of multiplying efforts as for the methodological actions and of professional self improvement is imposed in order to not affect the fulfillment of the educational teaching targets and the scheduled programs.

Also they turn into strategic tasks of the whole society, where the family plays a leading roll, the vocational formation and pedagogical vocational guidance, as well as the revenue, retention, quality and efficiency of the teaching in the forming centers, fundamental and indispensable link to ensure a future of prepared men and women.

Translated by BA in English Language, Manuel Barrera Téllez

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