A hypnotic look is the sensation that Fidel leaves. Takes the present to moves towards the future as a prophet.

It has been a luck for those who have met him personally and valued the humanist fibres that distinguish him, of clear sensibility towards the foreign pain, of conqueror of wills.

He is a giant of size and of a political height. He does not rest so he always knows what happens in the world, and around him, and with his research example to radiate hope, cultivated since his childhood.

He daydreams. He is capable of describing on a map the tactical and the strategic thing, of printing from the front or the rearguard the victory spirit.

In this minute I have his face in my head, as I saw him many times, with his long step, covering the extensive flatness, suggesting development plans, setting up new investments, speaking to this people that has always hailed him and of warning on the need of not going back not even one millimeter for the survival of the Revolution: the unit.

Congratulations, let´s prepare for his 90 anniversary.

Translated by BA in English Language, Manuel Barrera Téllez

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