That's why the exclusive breast feeding must be supported during the first six months; first, for protecting the children from different infectious illnesses, like diarrhea and respiratory illnesses, and diminishing the allergic reactions, without forgetting how many love, safety and emotional stability the children receive by means of this act.

In Cuba, through the system of Primary Health Care (APS), with its doctors and nurses of the community, the possibilities are created to carry out the education and promotion of Health and that comes to the women in fertile age, even, before conceiving the pregnancy. There must be taught to the young people the questions of importance related to the state of gestation, childbearing and breast feeding.

It is important to know that when the newly mother nurses her little baby the bleeding or hemorrhage diminishes and it helps her womb recover after giving birth.

In spite of all the actions very well foreseen in the Maternal Program of MOther and Child Attention (PAMI), it cannot make sure that on the subject of natural lactation everything should be achieved.

It stands out that during this week it will be opened in Camagüey a bank of human milk in the Maternity Hospital Ana Betancourt, assigned to its service of Neonatology, because the more beneficiaries will be the born babies prematurely, with risks and complaints associated with this condition, and will be one of the most important actions to celebrate this day.

This so expected service will allow to store and process the human milk with sights to be given to the children who for different causes could not be fed on their own moms.

More than 120 nations celebrate the World Week of the Breast Feeding since 1992, like a initiative of the World Organization of the Health (WHO) and the UNICEF, with the sacred intention of validating the benefits of this nutritional option, which have no equal.

Translated by BA in English Language, Manuel Barrera Téllez

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