A score of them were recognized as highlighted in different disciplines, among they stood out like integral outstanding students Towela Kaumba, graduated in Economy; Alexander Puga León, graduated in Education in the specialty of pedagogics-psychology; Roberto Enrique Peláez Arnaiz, computer engineer who on behalf of his partners read the oath in which they promised to redeem their professions on the base of the principle of loyalty to the society.

Evaluated and credited like Certified in March of the present year, after its integration in only one center since the beginning of the school year with the pedagogic school José Martí and that of Physical Culture Manuel Fajardo, the same way precursor in this process, now the University of Camagüey adds to its record of almost 48 years, 92 new Golden Titles, and the united contribution materializes in 23 graduated foreigners.

In the ceremont, presided by Jorge Luis Tapia Fonseca, member of the Central Committee and first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba in the province, along with other political leaders and of the Government, there were stimulated the best graduates of the Municipal University Centers, from Florida, Mariuska Arias Peláez; from Esmeralda, Dinah Maria Muguercia; from Nuevitas, Annelis Guerrero Velázquez; from Guáimaro, Yurusay Rodríguez; from Sibanicú, Inalvis Almeida García; from Vertientes, Yamilexis Pérez Hurtado; and from Minas, Yasnier Díaz Puerta.  

Also were highlighted in the teaching Damaris Hernández Marí of Journalism and Ángel Roniel Gómez Ibáñez of English; in researches Juan Carlos Mejías Rodríguez of Computer Engineering; Efrén Menéndez García of Veterinary medicine and Animal husbandry, and Noel Benítez Olivera of Pedagogics-Psychology; the most integral foreign pupil was Sandra Costa Martins of Mathematics-Physics.

Others recognized were in culture Antonio López Castrillón, BA in History, Roberto Lastre Arcaya, BA in Food and Keira Félix Rodríguez in Architecture.

In sports Mislenis Chaviano Morata BA in Physical Culture; as pupils assistants Carlos Luis Tamayo of Physical Culture and Raidel González Acosta of Mechanical Engineering; Erick Placeres Perna, BA in Education in Marxism Leninism and History.

Finally the rector congratulated the young people after extoling the roll of the families in the attainment of the dreams that today are already realized.

Translated by BA in English Language, Manuel Barrera Téllez

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