In the ceremony Amanda de la Caridad Comendador Niño was recognized, like the most integral graduate. Along with her the best students were awarded, in primary Rolando Torres Sande, in special education Diana Nancy Viñales Pie, in preschool Daliennis Savina Adán, and in culture, sport, teaching and teaching practices, Anabell Solella García, Ilemis Rodríguez Himelis, Arlet Castellano Antunaga and Adriana Samper Pérez, respectively.

In the ceremony were also honored Claudelina Guerrero Polanco, Andrea Semanat Carillo, Elsa Pizarro Jardines and Belkis Rubio Escobar, experienced teachers who devoted themselves in the practices of the boys and girls of the fourth year and to the students who were part of the Camagüeyan delegation that took part in the IInd National Meet of Pedagogic Schools, where they reached the second national place.

Idalberto Reyes Porro, director of the center, said that this promotion will guarantee teachers to more than 7 500 children of the whole province, fundamentally of Camagüey, Nuevitas, Santa Cruz, Vertientes and Florida.

The Camagüeyan institution , located in the share-out Julio Antonio Mella known as Monte Carlos, between 1975 and 1992 acted as a Forming School of Primary Teachers and then it was destined for the instructors' art preparation. It revived its initial functions in September, 2010. At present, the center, which is the biggest of its type in Cuba, is provided with four study units.

Translated by BA in English Language, Manuel Barrera Téllez

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