Actions directed to the electrification of settlements and elimination illegal conections are prioritized points, in addition to preparing the personnel in lines works of up to 13 000 volts, for which there is demanded an experience of over two years of work.

For the repair of the power line there are specialized workers of the group four, with 26 employees directed to train in disconnected areas, while 17 belonging to the group six realize practices in an energized system, for which they use equipments to guarantee their safety.

There are other courses as those for inspectors, faced to detect illicit procedures in the electrical system and to advise the population with regards to the use of the electricity, and it only includes the workpeople of the company.

Classrooms, laboratories, classes of electrical engineering, safety in the work and communication, are part of the plan of study that ensures the School of Training for the sake of achieving the professionalism in its workers and fulfilling with the workpeople incorporation for the mentioned positions.

Translated by BA in English Language, Manuel Barrera Téllez

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