Amyrsa Salgada, coordinator of the publication, mentioned that the inclusion of the magazine in this platform facilitates the scientific communication among developing countries which is a merit for the university and a support for the accreditation process.

By this mean, said Salgada, we socialize original works regarding the thematic areas as the direction technologies, culture and management of change processes, mathematical methods applied, administration, among others.

Retos de la Dirección, acknowledged by the National Committee of Scientific Degrees of the Republic of Cuba, launched its first volume in 2007, is edited every 6 months with around 10 articles per issue and its writers are from Cuban and foreign universities.

SciELO is a virtual library, created in 1997 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in collaboration with the Latin American Center and of the Caribbean of Information in Health Scienes, and nowadays it is spread to other coubtries like Argentine, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, Venezuela and Spain.

This database promotes the scientific productions of the member nations and in its contents it gathers a full collection of  digital publications of research of different matters which can be consulted through the indexes and searching engines.

Translated by Dámaris Hernández Arística, English Language student

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