I owe the worry to one of my teachers; what a woman! What a capacity to put our "perfect" world upside down with her revolutionary ideas.

Even when the attention to the elderly is a priority of the Ministry of Public Health in Cuba, the other spheres of the society are not thought from an ideal education to deal with an aged population.

For nobody it is a secret that our population shows big aging symptoms; 25 % of the Cuban is major adults, and as mentioned my teacher the percent of the Camagüeyans that are in this age status is not distant of these numbers, being Guáimaro the municipality with the highest index.

Most of the campaigns, announcements, social programs, radial and television spaces are destined for the young people, and it is a logic thing, since on them the future of the nation depends. A lot is said about alcoholism, drugs, antisocial conducts, behaviours and preferences of this age group; but very little is said about the architectural, environmental, civil and educational barriers that prevent us from focusing our looks and actions in those that very quickly will overcome us in number.

We keep on assuming which are their tastes and preferences, as if there were some kind of a serial production in which nothing differentiates them. The grandpa's ideal that we imagine is simple: he drinks coffee not caring for the blood pressure, likes to read the newspaper, support in the formation of the grandchildren, some of them practice exercises, they invade the lines of the shops and the drugstores because their social work is very similar to that of a messenger, occasionally they go out, and nothing better for the ladies that the manual works.

Like that are, in general, the elders according to our not realistic at all vision. A pity that we do not recognize the biggest adults in those that have to work even after retirement because the money is not enough, those that we see every day in the tumultuous buses to reach their destiny; those who try to adapt themselves to the new world of the technologies not to be left behind.

As my teacher I also concern about the future; that one in which we will be elders not consent at all to the manualidades, because we will need a library within reach of the hand, a cell phone and a computer with connection to Internet. I wonder if our society for that will be able to confront, better than now, this new species of major adults in constant evolution.

Translated by BA in English Language, Manuel Barrera Téllez

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