This recognition takes place, also, for the achievements in its fundamental indicators, the investments realized in most of its units and the satisfaction expressed by the population for the received services. Another motive of special happiness is related to the presence of the Five Cuban Heroes, who for the first time in over 15 years will parde along its people.

Up to date the infant mortality valuation is 1,9 lates per 1 000 live births; there stay closed the epidemics of the dengue fever and cholera, and it continues the vector control campaign with sight to reach the level of infestation of the Aedes aegypti approved by the experts, and this way avoid the possibility of transmission of dengue in case of appearing, in accordance with information offered by Dr. Fernando González Isla, director of provincial Public Health.

These men and women will also take the flag of the internationalism on behalf of this 4 632 that fulfill with the sacred duty of the collaboration in 48 nations, among them Brazil, Angola, Haiti and Venezuela.

Translated by BA in English Language, Manuel Barrera Téllez

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