CAMAGÜEY.- With over 800 million3 of water stored in its reservoirs, this province accounts for 67.6 percent of its total capacity, and right now there are six reservoirs working, a favorable situation that was caused by the rains in May and June.

Data supplied by the Hydraulic Utilization Company specialists of the territory, point to the fact that the 12 reservoirs to supply the population account for 78.3 per cent of its volume, providing coverage of aqueduct service of over 500 days.

Only two have less than half of their total capacity, Enrique Hart and Santa Teresa, both situated in the municipality of Guáimaro.

The province has 54 reservoirs, the greatest hydraulic infraestructure in Cuba, and among them almost 40 exceed half of their filling capacity, including those which today relieve, Luis Mane, technician in Water Resources management announcedd.

In the case of the dam Jimaguayú, the largest of the territory in terms of a capacity of 200 million square meters of water, a constant vigilance is established when currently being filled 80 percent of its capacity.

According to the same entity, since 2019 began , precipitation within the territory results in 50 percent of rainfall compared with the historical annual average of a thousand 283 millimeters of rain.

Over the course of June, the municipalities of Sibanicú, Camagüey, Jimaguayú, Minas and Najasa reported accumulated water above the historical average to this month.

So far the monthly forecast issued by the Institute of Meteorology on its web site is fulfilled by estimating June – second in the wet season in Cuba-, as the rainest month of the year in the country, averaging a considerable part of accumulated precipitation, which occur primarily in the first twenty days in the month.