CAMAGÜEY. -The need to train, advise and educate the population and decision-making bodies on the importance of preserving architectural urban complexes, transcended the conclusions of the 6th National Seminar of the Working Group on Documentation and Preservation of buildings, sites and neighborhoods of the modern movement (DOCOMOMO).

The participants in the event, architects and historians and among them university students from Havana and Camagüey, agreed to create alliances with guiding entities such as the Physical Planning Institute to reconcile the updating and plans of urban ordering that tribute to good practices in the management of the representative heritage of the aforementioned movement.

Lohania Aruca Alonso, a historical researcher specializing in issues of urbanism in Cuba, urged the rescue of the facultative authority of architects and town planners, and according to that profession, while pleading for the integration between the groups of DOCOMOMO existing in the country to undertake comparative studies that transcend the local scope.

 Elizabeth González, a third-year student of architecture and urbanism of that higher learning institution spoke on the joint work with the University of Camagüey when assessing the importance of keeping the bond with those who are educated in that major to achieve a better preparation and commitment of the  future professionals.

Caridad Amador Caballero, architect and protagonist of the modern movement in Camagüey, appealed for the training to the groups of architects of the community, with the responsibility of elaborating projects for the construction, preservation, rehabilitation, enlargement, remodeling and the environmental and functional physical improvement of the houses and their urban environment in general.

She highlighted the foregoing as an opportunity, for direct contact with the population, which can promote a creative, conscious and organized participation of people with the environment that surrounds them.

The quality of the lectures presented, distinguished the 6th edition of the seminar, where she highlighted the conference Modern urbanism in the magazine Arquitectura: the founding work of Pedro Martínez Inclán, taught by Claudia Felipe Torres, president of the Cuban subsidiary International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and member of the National Monuments Commission.

When carrying out the rapporteur of the meeting, Wilfredo Rodríguez, president of the Working Group of DOCOMOMO in this demarcation, summoned to the search of strategies and alternatives that contribute to preserve the values of the architectural urban complexes that are representative of the modern movement in Cuba and its importance for the development of the environment where they are located.