CAMAGÜEY. - More than 80 summer courses projected the Technical Education and Professional (ETP) in the Camagüey province for the current summer period, directed to the young and adult population in the communities and to the workpeople of the forms of not state management.

In 27 existing centers of this education in 13 municipalities of the territory, it is possible to gain access to the programs of study designed for this stage, which include several related interest subject-matters to the specialties of this level, he commented to the Cuban Agency of News Teresa Rodríguez Moya, chief of the Provincial Department of ETP.

With a projection of registration superior to thousand 700 persons, these educational institutions assimilate new training demands, he made sure the board, simultaneously that considered the experience to be as a print that this year grew with regard to the previous calendar.

Under the beginning of the cost-free status, there will be given these courses that include subject-matters of veneer, welding, refrigeration, lead roofing and building, offices much accepted by the population from the needs to learn and to qualify to acquire diverse skills in favor of your own formation, said Rodríguez Moya.

He informed that for request of the workpeople taken refuge in the forms of not state management they will develop also, contents of commercial Skills, Making of food and Accounting and finance.

Of equal way, teachers and specialists of the production and the services, bearing in mind the requests of the workpeople of state entities, will offer classes of integral Handling of fruit-bearing and timber-yielding species, Pest control, Economy and Logistics of store, Audit and control, applied Computer science and Accounting.

He underlined that the board that the thickness of these courses begins this week until the registrations are completed and once the persons fulfill the formation cycle sends a certificate that endorses the training to them with specific skills, which gives the possibility of presenting before itself in any entity of the production and the services with the acquired knowledge.