A meeting today of the Provincial Assembly of the People's Power knew about the situation of the territory from January to May, when the Mercantile Production reached a value of 1 332 millions pesos, exceeding the plan in 2.9 per cent.

But strong branches like Industry, Energy and Mines, and the Sugar, and entities of the Council of the Administration bring records lower than the estimated.

The Committee of Economic Matters recognized "a light advance in important activities and works of economic and social interest", although it does not eliminate managerial unefficiencies, informative indiscipline, problems of planning, and nonperformances in the production of goods and in offers of services to the population.

This affects of negative form in the retail mercantile circulation, the structure of the revenue, the financial liquidity and the budgetary performance, pointed out the report of this structure presented to the delegates.

Jorge Luis Tapia, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and first secretary of this organization in the province, pointed out the urgency of knowing the causes and responsibles for the problems, to act correctly.

It is on this base that the analyses must be done, since what really solves the problems are the good outcomes, he emphasized.

For example, the delegate Erick Aguilar told that in his neighborhood-level governmental organization the principal front is the dairy cattle.

Whenever the situation is examined everything is directed to the milk production, how much is missing or how much it can add, and there it is not tackled the topic that precedes, the feeding, the sowing of grasslands and forages, if the herd has or does not water to drink, and this way must not be the analysis, he showed.

In the meeting, there were analyzed the difficulties that brake the development of the granting of subsidies to the population to realize constructive actions in the housings.

It is inexcusable that being provided with the financing, the resources and numerous approved cases are not advanced in this sensitive management, expressed Isabel González, the president of the Assembly.

Also, the Assembly knew that the educational sector showed improvement in the academic year that wraps up and consolidates outcomes, and called to keep on working at the pedagogic formation and to raise the quality and the rigor of the teaching-educational process.

Translated by BA in English Language, Manuel Barrera Téllez

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