Under the direction of Esther Borges y Reivy Bilbao, workpeople of the web page of the local broadcasting station Radio Cadena  Agramonte, and with the collaboration of a wide group of students of the topic, the material was realized. The multimedia includes articles, photos of the epoch and poems on music that recreate the Cuban identity of Puerto Príncipe in the XIXth century as well as the life and work of Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda (Tula).

The activity had the presence of outstanding intellectuals of our province like Dr.Sc. Luis Álvarez Álvarez and Dr. Olga García Yero, in addition to the classical music of the duo A piacere, who interpreted classic pieces of the national repertoire.

With the target that it comes to the youngest through the school libraries, and that is presented in the next International Fair of the Book of Havana and in the week of the Camagüeyan culture, this multimedia is a gift to the great Tula in her 200th Anniversary.

Translated by BA in English Language, Manuel Barrera Téllez

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