The Natural and Traditional Medicine (MNT, Cuban acronym) is the oldest known form of healing. Beyond the belief that there were deities with healing power, from the very beginning of the humanity, people have resorted to the plants, sea water, and to many other resources of nature to heal the ailments.

16 November 2017

Young faces of a genuine democracy

While on November 17, International Day of the Student, the young people of the world will demand in the streets their rights and claims, challenging the repression of the so-called "democratic" governments; Doraine, Reinier, Javier and Ana Laura will celebrate with the joy of h

16 November 2017

Hand, foot and mouth disease, and children…

The weather has a decisive impact on the emergence of viruses, and Cuba, as part of the tropics, faces a complex epoch in which adults concern about the children of very particular way, especially facing the conditions such as the one, we are going to address to today, that it is also visible. That is why Dr. Yamina Rivero Fernández made an apart for us and explains about the syndrome hand, foot and mouth disease...