Camagüey.- The XXVth Audio-visual Exhibit Almacén de la Imagen, which every year is organized by the Hermanos Saíz Association (AHS) of this province, will have for the celebration of its first quarter of century with the participation of the film maker Fernando Pérez and of the duo Buena Fe.

13 October 2015

Camagüey.- The Day of the Cuban Culture continues in this province with multiple celebrations to the essence, from the gift to the history and the memory, to the continuous and creative contribution of the synthesis never concluded of the nation.

13 October 2015

Camagüey.- Cielo street between Campo Santo and Desengaño bet and won. But its total was not in coins; it won with the weight of the history and the tradition.

13 October 2015

Camagüey.- The Cattle Company of Camagüey completed eight units which capacity of grasslands and forages allows them to feed the totality of the cattle, without being necessary the meal transportations up to these facilities.