Camagüey.- The more than 2 200 tons of mango processed up to date by the Camagüeyan  industries constitute a productive record, according to declarations of the managers of the provincial subsidiary of the Domestic Enterprise of Conserve of Vegetables.“

05 August 2015

Camagüey.- Cristina Dueñas Aragón wanted to surprise us with an atypical proposal in the gallery of the Adelante newspaper. She studies scenic design, but with ¨Máscaras de barrio¨ she clarifies to us that hers is not a lounge art, for the intrinsic need of taking the public space.

05 August 2015

Santa Lucia, Camagüey.- The cleanliness of Santa Lucia beach in the summer season always generates dissents and incomprehensions, but this year the opinion that we had on this matter was favorable.

05 August 2015

Camagüey.- “This project changed our lives; it transformed our mentality to all, workers, specialists and managers. Earlier we were living, especially, of the mango, now we diversify and this way were increased the productions, the income and the quality of life”, ensured Oscar Ramírez Falcón, manager of the Basic Unit of Cooperative Production 1ro de Enero, of the municipality of Camagüey, one of the five territories of the country selected for the piloting of this project.